

I am hurt by my closest people .

I hate them .

I really do .

Can you people grow up alittle ?

Can you don't be so mean ?

Can you teach me how to love ?

Can you make me to not hate you all ?

Every blood and tears soaked me up for 16 years , have you noticed.

What have you all ever did ?

My confidence . I don't have relative except for parents and those i love .


Happy teacher day !

This is the class i love , this is my love .

My everything . ^^

this kind of joy-ious event , brightens my life .



Be Back after O's

I look forward to my poly life .

Lets just say , i have got over you .

Hopefully .

Let the endless night start.

Dolpins are just too cute ^^ =XXX



Pisces : Pisces is so emotional, in fact, that it can tend toward depression or fatalism; the weight of the world can be too much to bear for someone so sensitive.

Gemini can teach Pisces to take a less emotional, more intellectual view of people and situations; this will help Pisces decide which pleas are deserving of attention and which are merely sob stories to be ignored. Virgo can help Pisces learn to be detailed and efficient, and enthusiastic Sagittarius can help Pisces learn to turn all that abstract emotionalism into optimism and adventure.

The magical mystery tour of romance with Pisces can be most unpredictable, with hearts and flowers one day and games with veils the next.

This mysterious quality that Pisceans possess can be quite the aphrodisiac in the game of love.
